Can I build on a business degree in the future?

A business degree is vastly useful and can open a myriad of doors that might otherwise be closed to someone, but it is often viewed as the ‘default’ field. Many students that aren’t sure of what to do enter into business as an area of study until they make up their mind what path to follow, but wind up sticking with it. In fact, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, business was the most popular field for students in 2009 and 2010. The question that follows this is simple. “Can I build on a business degree in the future?” The answer is yes. There are many opportunities for furthering a business degree or going into another field related to business.

Furthering the Degree

The world runs on business, so no matter what area you are interested in, business plays some aspect to it. If you have a passion for money and finance, though, you can pursue further education in the business field. Adding a master’s degree or a doctoral degree onto a business degree gives the opportunity to take more advanced jobs and higher positions at companies that are closed to those with lesser degrees. Financial analysts, bank managers, and more all have graduated degrees in specific areas of business. The field of business has many niches that range from management to finance, with unlimited opportunities for those who are interested.

The Creative Arts

While you might not think of a business degree as a pathway into the world of the creative arts, it certainly can be. If you have an interest in film making, painting, or even writing, but aren’t skilled in those areas specifically, there is still a place for you. The creative minded often aren’t very good at business and need managers and accountants to handle their finances. Film makers have large budgets that must be managed, artists need buyers to help them peddle their wares, and writers need agents and people to promote their book and handle their marketing campaigns. All of these are opportunities for you to further your business degree.


If you want to build experience but not go back to school, a business degree gives you all the skills you might need to become an entrepreneur. Starting your own business can be very rewarding, and should you choose to one day sell it and go back to a corporate job, the time spent managing your own business will slam open those doors that a business degree gently opened previously. Potential employers love the initiative shown from entrepreneurial experience, and a business degree equips you with everything you might need, besides a bit of drive and motivation.

A business degree is a fantastic choice, and should by no means be viewed as a ‘catch all.’ The opportunities afforded to someone who successful completes a Bachelor of Business degree or higher are numerous. Whether you want to get involved in a business oriented environment, in the creative arts, start your own business, or even go freelance as a consultant, there is little you can’t do with a business degree. As a final note, here are fourteen different positions you can work with a degree in business. Let this list inspire you and motivate you to finish your degree with flying colors.